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10 Avocado Health Benefits You Won’t Believe a Fruit Can Offer

Avocado Health Benefits Only recently have I increased my intake of avocados. Weight loss and healthy fat was my original motivation to eat this unique fruit. Nature supplies us with fruits and vegetables as fuel for healthier and stronger bodies. Just about every study related to the health benefits of fruits and vegetables shows us how…


How to Prevent a Hangover?

“I am Never Going to Drink Again!”   Is what we usually say to ourselves after an over-indulgent night of drinking. Those famous words are usually our futile attempt to prevent our next hangover.   Now I am not promoting drinking, however if you are reading this there is a good chance you are either…


An Easy Understanding of the Ketogenic Diet?

I Eat Fat to Lose Fat By Way of the Ketogenic Diet Sounds counter intuitive does’t it? But it’s not! For years, I, like many of you, were fooled by the FDA and the big food companies. I jumped on the “fat is bad”, “fat free, “low fat” bandwagon quite quickly. Heck, I was even…


The Benefits of Coconut Oil and How It’s Different to MCT Oil

When you think about “coconuts”, you readily imagine a tropical island surrounded by sand beaches and you sipping on a freshly opened coconut. But more than just a tasty vacation treat, the world simply loves coconuts for its many uses. In fact, coconut oil has been given its deserved recognition as a superfood by many researchers…


Benefits of Grass Fed Butter

Discover the health benefits of grass fed butter. Helps curve hunger cravings, increases your physical and mental energy, improves your body composition.
